25000 sentences English to Persian translation
sentences English to Persian translation
Essential Words for the TOEFL
This valuable handbook features vocabulary and definitions of more than 5000 words
Added features include vocabulary-building strategies and advice on how to learn new English words with help from a dictionary and thesaurus.
This revised book is specifically designed for ESL students preparing to take the TOEFL and features updated vocabulary that is seen most often on the exam. It includes: Phrases and purpose words (for example, define, discuss, claim, etc.) that are used in the speaking and writing sections of the test New words and phrases, since you are often asked to explain the meaning of a phrase Lists of vocabulary words with definitions, sample sentences, and practice exercises for 5000 need-to-know words Detailed advice to help students expand their English language vocabulary, and more Students can test their mastery of TOEFL vocabulary by taking the included practice test
Because knowledge of vocabulary is basic to knowledge of language, many universities request a report of a subscore on this section of the TOEFL.
تعداد مشاهده: 3366 مشاهده
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تعداد صفحات: 31000
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